I have been breathing in this world for almost seventeen years. Even in the less than two decades of living I’ve already been through those tough times. I never really took problems seriously, though some things are really pungent you can’t help but notice it. I do realize that these problems are really good for me; unfortunately I have to feel bad at first before seeing the brighter side of it. Sometimes I ask myself for possible reasons why people have problems, why even teenagers like me are never excused of carrying some ordeal. As I have said, aging is a good thing, problems as well. The past years obviously helped me to think more maturely and act my age. I now know that the troubles teenagers live across are reinforcements for the future; reinforcements to get us ready in the real world as we go from adolescence to adulthood.
I don’t know where I’ll end up with this message; I guess I just wanted to bring out that we should always be thankful for the years we live and the problems we encounter through the years. For those episodes of our lives are actually the things that matter most. I believe that we should never veil our true age, for it is the measurement of how sharp and witty we are; and not the measurement for people to count the crumples in our face.
xo, nikka ♥
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