Friday, October 22, 2010
Played Dress-up with myself. :)
Friday, October 15, 2010
SM City Calamba
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
$795 -
Christian louboutin pumps »
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Love. Hope. :)
Sunday, October 3, 2010
Colors and lots of it.
Friday, October 1, 2010
Late night.

Ever had a feeling when you want to write and nothing comes out of your head? I always experience that. Agh, I know people who read my post probably are now fed up with my random posts, Sorry but the randomness and non-sense will continue to exist in my blog. *sighs* I don’t know what to write about, but I want to write. Arg. It’s almost midnight and I am chillaxing at home. Most of my housemates are now asleep except for two of my siblings who are still watching Phineas and Ferb on tv. We love cartoons. HAHA! So, ummh. I go definitely blank. Stupid. I know it sucks to be me right now.
I will now start to write my usual non-sense. I know I am a no good writer. But this is what I love to do. Reading and writing, I don’t know if it’s my thing but I enjoy doing the stuff. Before I entered college, I only write essays for school, for subjects I don’t even really care about. Today, I write for no subject, I write for one reason and that is to satisfy myself in expressing what I think. I am not a talker; I don’t share quite a lot so I guess writing helps me in doing the talking. HAHA. Tonight, I obviously have nothing to do and it has been quite some time since I posted something with words and only words. I had a lot of drafts saved in my computer the time my internet connection was screwed up, unfortunately I deleted an old folder and I forgot my entries are there. I hate it. Some of my essays before I even started blogging were there. I was so stupid for not thinking. Agh. Anyway, every time I wanna say something, I want to be in front of my computer and write. I don’t know why, but it’s when I write that I don’t care about people’s reactions. It is when I write that I can really show what I’m feeling. Describe and define what I really think inside. Am I even making sense right now? I told you I go random. Oh so, anyway, I will continue to write about my endless non-sense every now and then. I want to continue to express my thoughts even if my thoughts are nothing important to others. I pledge to improve the way I write and hopefully to be a real writer someday. A writer, whose vision in life is to write and to share wonderful ideas to others. I know I can do that. Sooner. I can and I will. Thanks for reading and for spending some of your life’s seconds for my post. I appreciate.
Carry on.
Live. Love. Laugh. Smile.
xo, nikka